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How to install Sonarr in a FreeNAS iocage jail

This is how i installed a Sonarr, an independent fork of Sonarr reworked for automatically downloading movies via Usenet and BitTorrent, on FreeNAS in a iocage jail.

Table of contents
  1. Getting started
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Udate and upgrade
  2. Install Sonarr
  3. Configuring folders
  4. Authors
  5. Acknowledgments

Getting started

These instructions will tell you how to add storage to an iocage jail, download, install and run Sonarr as a specific user, and integrate it with Deluge.


  • Knowledge of SSH and how to navigate to your jail in FreeNAS
  • FreeNAS 11.2 and knowledge of how to create a jail with shares and knowledge of UNIX folder and files permissions

Udate and upgrade

Update and upgrade your iocage jail first:

root@Sonarr:/ # pkg upgrade && pkg update

Install Sonarr

root@Sonarr:~ # pkg install sonarr
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 44 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
	mediainfo: 19.09
	libzen: 19.09
	libmediainfo: 19.09
	tinyxml2: 7.1.0,1
	ca_root_nss: 3.49.2
	python27: 2.7.17_1
	readline: 8.0.1
	indexinfo: 0.3.1
	libffi: 3.2.1_3
	gettext-runtime: 0.20.1
	py27-pillow: 6.2.2
	tk86: 8.6.10_1
	libXrender: 0.9.10_2
	libX11: 1.6.9,1
	libxcb: 1.13.1
	libXdmcp: 1.1.3
	xorgproto: 2019.2
	libXau: 1.0.9
	libxml2: 2.9.10
	libpthread-stubs: 0.4
	libXext: 1.3.4,1
	libXScrnSaver: 1.2.3_2
	libXft: 2.3.3
	fontconfig: 2.12.6,1
	expat: 2.2.8
	freetype2: 2.10.1
	tcl86: 8.6.10
	py27-tkinter: 2.7.17_6
	py27-setuptools: 41.4.0_1
	webp: 1.0.3_1
	tiff: 4.1.0
	jpeg-turbo: 2.0.3
	jbigkit: 2.1_1
	png: 1.6.37
	giflib: 5.2.1
	openjpeg: 2.3.1
	lcms2: 2.9
	py27-olefile: 0.46
	libinotify: 20180201_1
	curl: 7.67.0
	libnghttp2: 1.40.0
	sqlite3: 3.30.1

Number of packages to be installed: 44

The process will require 439 MiB more space.
107 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y

Set sonarr_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf, then start the Sonarr service by executing

root@Sonarr:/usr/local/etc/rc.d # service sonarr start

Make the user sonarr the owner of Sonarr’s startup directory. This will enable you to update Sonarr from the GUI.

root@Sonarr:/usr/local/share # chown -R sonarr sonarr/

Configuring folders

Stop the Sonarr jail.

Add two mount points, one folder for the TV Shows, the other folder for handling the Deluge transfer.

  • Source: /mnt/Breaking/TV Shows
  • Destination: /mnt/Breaking/iocage/jails/Sonarr/root/mnt/TV Shows

  • Source: /mnt/Breaking/Torrents
  • Destination: /mnt/Breaking/iocage/jails/Sonarr/root/mnt/Torrents

Under the installation, a sonarr user and group was created with a uid and gid of 351:

===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'sonarr' with gid '351'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'sonarr' with uid '351'.

You can change the uid:gid with this;

root@Sonarr:~ # id sonarr
uid=351(sonarr) gid=351(sonarr) groups=351(sonarr)
root@Sonarr:~ # pw usermod sonarr -u 923
root@Sonarr:~ # pw usermod sonarr -g 923
root@Sonarr:~ # id sonarr
uid=923(sonarr) gid=923(sonarr) groups=923(sonarr)

Replace ownage of 351 with user:group sonarr:

root@Sonarr:~ # find / -user 351 -exec chown -h sonarr {} \;
root@Sonarr:~ # find / -group 351 -exec chgrp -h sonarr {} \;
root@Sonarr:~ # getfacl /mnt/TV\ Shows/
# file: /mnt/TV Shows/
# owner: 1000
# group: 1002
root@Sonarr:~ # pw groupadd warez -g 1002
root@Sonarr:~ # pw usermod sonarr -G warez

root@Sonarr:~ # groups sonarr
351 sonarr warez

root@Sonarr:/mnt/Torrents # getfacl Finished/
# file: Finished/
# owner: 1000
# group: 922
root@Sonarr:/mnt/Torrents # 
root@Sonarr:/mnt/Torrents # pw groupadd deluge -g 922
root@Sonarr:/mnt/Torrents # pw usermod sonarr -G sonarr,warez,deluge


Mr. Johnson
